Importing Cars and Trucks

The import process

Importing a car sounds tricky and annoying but it’s easy with the right help. And it’s so worth it. 

The rules

You probably already know the basics like the rolling 25-year law, but we encourage you to take a look at the Australian laws, legislations and regulating bodies including:

And the Australian Border Patrol Force Laws, and inspections like asbestos regulations which we can help with.

The Australian Government has a handy checklist of steps you can take when importing here

Border laws, quarantines and asbestos inspections

If you’ve ever flicked on the TV to one of those border patrol type shows, you’ll know how fiddly the ins and outs of importing and exporting to Australia are.

The team at Muscle Car Imports have been doing it for over a decade now, and we’re good at it. When we handle the importing process, we’ll help you manage the quarantine process and asbestos checks so your car won’t end up on TV.

If your imported car is missing parts, we’re happy to ship those in too.

Check out some of our latest parts here orcontact us for more information and specific imported parts.

Get Started

Get started on importing your dream muscle car, truck, or parts by giving us a call or reaching out online. You can even get started straight away and request a quote online here.

We’re based on the Gold Coast, find our location and our open hours here.